Pasqua ai tempi del coronavirus

Easter, one of the most important holidays of Christianity. Easter 2020 will be remembered in history as Easter in the time of the coronavirus, no more Christmas with yours and Easter with whoever you want. We are all inside our homes in forced closure, what we call quarantine, for over a month. We will also spend Easter behind closed doors with our family inside the walls of the house and with what we cannot have next to us, perhaps in videochat.

How to spend Easter distant, but close

In these difficult days we have had the opportunity to think about our present, past and future life, but we are sure of one thing: to give value to life. Regardless of the emergency situation we are experiencing, we are sure that Easter is a holiday that unites. It has always been like this and this year will have added value, because we will give value to small things, such as the affection of our loved ones, our friends, our neighbors and the whole of Italy.

We have had enough time to devote to our little passions during the quarantine, but it will soon be Easter and we must celebrate in joy with the family.

Arm yourself in a good mood and have a nice recipe book like it used to be in the old days. It will be an Easter to rediscover the origins. Just like that, friends, think what Sunday lunches tasted like from your grandmother, she got up at dawn to prepare homemade hot bread, fresh pasta and endless sweets.

Here, this somewhat unusual Easter will have the same flavor; we advise you to get up early and savor every moment of that day with your family, cooking with love for your loved ones and loved ones.

Unfortunately, many people are far from their parents and will celebrate Easter away because of this closure and this visus, but thanks to the video calls we can raise a glass all together and hope that this bad world emergency can end as soon as possible.

pasqua ai tempi del coronavirus

Besides cooking, what else do we need to do to feel better for Easter?

A great certainty of happiness for us women is undoubtedly fashion. Yes, even at Easter the look is fundamental.

For a month that we have not gone to the hairdresser, beautician and so on … but also at home we have to find the time and the desire to take care of ourselves. In this regard, we made an article of homemade treatments.

This year the trends have re-launched a great protagonist: the long skirt!

For days we have been dreaming of freedom, wearing a long and floating skirt will give us that sense of movement that screams freedom with a trail full of femininity. Since we celebrate in quarantine (closed gently at home), we recommend combining the skirt with a t-shirt or a white male style shirt. If you don’t have one, then run to your him’s closet.

The long pleated skirts are still on the track, which surely each of us has at least in the closet, so take it out combine it with a nice shirt and the look will be fabulous.

gonna lunga e camicia bianca per il pranzo di pasqua coronavirus

Being beautiful that day will help our mood, to better face this Easter in the days of the coronavirus.

What are your ideas for that day?


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